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We are programmed by the society around us, our behavior reflects what we and others around us deem acceptable. When emotion strikes those urges to shout, to scream, are suppressed by our manual. An animal on the other hand, every reaction they make is their natural instinct, no thought as to what others around think. When a predator hunts its prey, its prey creates a defense. What happens if you enter an animals personal space? It attacks.


This is exactly what Dutch designer Anouk Wipprect explores with her designs, instincts that previously we used but have slowly over time lost due to rational existence taking over. In an interview with filler magazine Wipprecht states that she ‘Looks into ways of giving the means of these instincts back to humanity, using technology as the sensing agent”.  


Her designs merge technology and fashion in a way that asks: How can clothing protect us? set boundaries. All of her designs are emotionally driven.   

The spider-dress, one of many creations by Wipprecht is inspired by personal space it raises questions concerning control and privacy. The robotic dress responds to external stimuli with animated robotic limbs which eerily crawl around the body. It senses the approach of an invader which attacks, imitating the movements of a spider like a human-arachnid hybrid. the unsettling arachnid limbs jerk and twitch. 


The wearer of designs like this are given back the control of their own emotions. While wearing a garment such as this may seem far-fetched for a night on the town, the concept isn’t. Who knows how far technology will progress in the upcoming years. “Our present bond with technology will morph into personal connections with the interfaces around us”. While we live in a tech-driven world we can’t help wonder what the future holds? According to Wipprecht: 



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